We are aware some customers are currently experiencing interruptions to voice calls. Our technical teams are working to resolve the issue as quickly as possible. We apologise for the inconvenience.

Assisting you if you’re experiencing domestic or family violence

We are committed to assisting our customer when they are faced with domestic or family violence. We understand that when experiencing such events, staying connected is important. Please talk to us about how we can assist you to stay safely connected.

Transferring the mobile number into your name

If you’re experiencing, or have just left, a domestic or family violence situation and wish to keep your mobile number but the account isn’t in your name, we may be able to assist to transfer the mobile number to you.

Please give us a call on 1300 126 122. Our team may be able to assist by transferring your mobile number into your name.

To assist use to properly understand your situation and for verification purposes, we may need to ask you questions about your circumstances and request that you provide certain material. Such material or information includes:

  • relevant identification, such as a driver’s license, passport or Medicare card;
  • a Statutory Declaration witnessed by an authorised person that you are, or have been, the subject of domestic or family violence;
  • an AVO/police report/court order/ or a letter from a domestic violence or community shelter that supports your request;
  • and the device associated to the mobile number you have been using.

Requesting an unwelcome call or message investigation

If you’re receiving unwelcome calls or messages, please contact our support team on 126 122 from your Lebara mobile, or 1300 126 122 from any phone line, to request an investigation.